Wednesday, May 30, 2007


If you are the person in New York who googled "If everything is normal why wouldn't I get pregnant right away":

It brought tears to my eyes just to see that in my stats. I'm so so sorry you ended up here. God, I hope that this is your only brush with infertility, darling. But just in case, you should know you have a wonderful support group right here. I wish you all the best.


Anonymous said...

I feel your sentiments exactly.

TeamWinks said...


I always find it interesting some of the google searches that bring people to my site. Some make me laugh, and others make me cringe. No woman should have to type in, "What are my odds of conceiving with .... fill in diagnosis here..."

K said...

I have a blogosperically ignorant question for you: how do you know what phrases folks googled to get to your blog?? Is there a trick to this??

Gil said...

It brings tears to my eyes just reading this. I so hope that whoever that googler was, this is as close to IF as they get. Now, why the heck do I see PGD in the word verification for this blog? Is that a hint? Oh my.

To the above commenter, check out You can register there and that will help you track things like googled phrases. Good luck.

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

Oh my gosh, that makes me really sad too.... I remember what that felt like 23 months ago........

Ann said...

It is just too bad that women's (and men's) bodies insist on being so confusing. If our bodies just worked like clockwork, it would save us so much heartache and worry!

Anonymous said...

I totally understand.

I get some truly sad Google links, especially from men worried about their sperm counts and if it means they have less testosterone and if it has to do with "size issues."

All of this IF stuff makes us all so fragile and susceptible to doubt. It makes me so sad, not for myself, but for the people that feel alone.