Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Boy, you guys sure know how to empathize. It is amazing to me that we have all had experience like the one that I had yesterday with the receptionist at the doctor's office. I litterally got off the phone thinking what the fuck. So rude.
Anywyas, I am trying to move on. The nurse called at 5:30 (on my cell) as I was preparing dinner at my parents' house. The fact that she tracked me down impressed me somewhat (I actually happen to like the nurse, she's very sweet), and then she passed me along to Dr. Happy-go lucky. I told her that I wanted to come in and see her, and she was totally ok aobut that. She also seemed genuinely disappointed to hear that I had a negative HPT. I would have asked her all my questions, but of course I wasn't home, and I couldn't remember them all. Dr. HGL did say something about the possibility of Metformin, and that really freaks me out.
So tomorrow I am off the the doctor, for a bloodtest, and to ask all the questions. Today I am chilled out a bit. We shall see what tomorrow brings!


Angie said...

Looking forward to hearing about tomorrow. Best of luck!

Nico said...

Nice that they did finally get back to you, and that you actually got to talk to a real live doctor! I hope the appointment goes well.

Shauna said...

Why does metformin freak you out? It'll regulate your cycles if you're PCOS. I've been on it for 9 months or so and have had no problems. But she should be testing your glucose before she prescribes it....

Anonymous said...

I agree with flygirl about Metformin, though I've been on it for over a year now. Never had any problems after the initial adjustment (which only takes a week or so).

Good luck today!

~r said...

I just found your blog today and - wow - there's a lot that sounds familiar to me. Good luck with the doctor... and if it helps any, in my experience, metformin is not as scary as the thought of clomid without a mid-cycle ultrasound.