I walked into the office (I didn't have a real appointment), and about 15 minutes later Nurse Sweet called out my name. (I must add that I never wait less than an hour when I have an appointment there. No joke. I can read a whole book while waiting. So I consider myself very lucky today.) Nurse sweet quided me into Dr. HGL's office, where I plopped myself down and read for a good half hour. (But I was in her office-no one was getting ahead of me.) (Boy am I overusing the brakets today or what?!)
Enter Doctor. She sat down and discussed the cycle. I whipped out my list, and pinned her down for some answers. Here's what what we decided:
1. I will go straight to the hospital for a blood test-do not pass go, do not collect $200.00. (I have to go to the hospital if I want a free blood test. It's just up the hill from the office, so I don't mind. And the wait isn't too bad.) She ordered a beta (which we know will be neg,) and some other stuff that I will post about when I get the results.
2. Asked about ultrasound to check that there are not cysts. She told me that if I had OHSS that I would know. She is not concerned that with my past dose of 50mg clomid that this would have occured. I did read R's story over at The Uterine Grail, and yes I am a bit freaked out, but I am goign with my Dr. on this one for this cycle.
3. Talked about Provera to end this cycle. I told the Dr. that my Homeopath suggested homeopathic provera, and she was cool with this. I told her I would give it a shot, and if my period didn't come in 2 weeks then I would take the drugs. She was interested, and wanted me to keep her posted on whether or not it did the trick. (Good response from a doctor, as docotr's in general do not "believe" in homeopathy.)
4. Talked about my previous blood tests. She showed me the lab report, and yes the number did look fine. Like really fine. She doesn't see a reason to retest right now. I am still shoked by these levels.
5. Dr. HGL provided me with a requisition for a semen analysis for The C (who is currently on vacation- wait till he gets home to hear about this!!) She told me very seriously: "You MUST abstain for 3 days prior to the test!" Aye, Aye, Boss.
6. When period arrives I will take my 100mg of Clomid like a good girl. Then I will have sex on a schedule. With my husband. And chances are it won't be good. (The Sex.) Because when you have to have it, generally that is the case. It stresses me out that I might get pregnant from non-passionate sex. I know, I'm a freak. But I also realize that means that I am thinking that I actually might get pregnant from having sex, period. A woman can hope, can't she?
I left the office feeling light hearted, a little fancy free, even. I know! Weird! I'm not sure what came over me! The McDonald's next door beckoned me and I succomed to a McFlurry. I couldn't resist, people! Could NOT resist! Besides, I needed the energy to walk up the hill. It's a trek! And it's hot out! I got to the blood clinic, and there was but one person in line ahead of me, Oh, the day was getting even better! "Next" called the guy (let's call him Idiot.) I hand Idiot my form, my hospital card and my medicare card. He enters my info and looks up at me (slobbering away at my last spoonfuls of McFlurry) and says: "oh, so you're pregnant!" (Ok, everyone who just fell of their seats, back on your chairs so that you can read the rest of my story.) I resisted all urges to grab Idiot my the nutsack, whip his balls around his anus and pull them up to stuff in his mouth, and repied: "No, thanks, but I don't think so." TO WHICH HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO REPY: "Oh, I think you aaaaaare!" (In a sing song voice.)
I have a couple of issues here.
First: who trained this guy? I mean really! It is not his place to comment on the type of test I am getting. It is his job to enter my information into a computer, for the love of all things holy! What if I was getting an HIV test? would he have said: "Oh, so you have AIDS!" I mean, COME THE FUCK ON!
Second: What on earth would actually make him think that I was pregnant in the first place. Granted, I am no small girl (I am a good 40 pounds overweight), but I certainly do not look pregnant. Chubby, yes. Volumptuous, ok. But certainly not pregnant. (And don't non-pregnant women eat McFlurrys?)
Third: What if I didn't want to be pregnant? What if I was raped and I was having this test to see if I had conceived like that? WHAT IF? I think that would be almost a million times worse that being infertile and having a beta, knowing that of course you can't be pregnant, you're infertile.
Fourth: The fact of the matter is that I KNOW that I am not pregnant. And I really wish that I was. And that having this test means another failed month, another day I have to wait. Taking this test is just a medical confirmation of the shit that I already know about. And it fucking sucks.
This Idiot was really lucky that toady I decided to wear my thick skin.