Monday, August 13, 2007


I figured I wouldn't bore you all week with my neuroses. I wish I could write that I feel tons better, and that I am happily entrenched in this pregnancy, but I still can't. Hopefully soon, though.

Here is the run down of what's been going on...

I spotted every so often last week- maybe once a day. I became used to it, and though I would panic upon wiping, I realized that maybe "normal" for me was seeing traces of pinky/orange. It wasn't bright red, and my doctor seemed to think that all was ok, so I took many deep breaths and continued to move forward.

On Saturday we went in for another u/s. Everything looked perfect- great heartbeat, and measuring 8w4d. Dr. New was pleased, but advised that I still take it easy for another week, just to be sure. He also mentioned that it was time to get in touch with my OB to get in with her, although he assured me that he would see me next week for another scan if I wanted. Well, of course I wanted!

The C and I were both pretty happy (yes, I was happy!) and we got in the car and headed to Vermont to visit with my aunt (where I took it easy.) I did feel relief for most parts of the day, and even a bit of joy as we shared our u/s photos with my aunt, uncle and cousin.

And then yesterday morning I woke up, went to pee, and wiped- only to see bright red blood on the toilet paper. I wiped again- more red. And the again- and nothing. I freaked out and called The C into the bathroom (actually, I freaked out, yelled FUCK, my aunt came to the door and asked if I was alright, and then she got The C for me!) Of course he was also concerned, but he talked me down off the ledge, and I proceed with my restful day. Of course, par for the course, there was nothing the rest of the day.

All this spotting/no spotting really puts a damper on going to the bathroom. I have to work up my nerve each time. It's taking its toll, I tell ya.

Naturally, I was worried this morning during my first bathroom visit- but there was nothing. And nothing all morning... until about 10 minutes ago. Now, excuse me if this is too much information, but: I am finding that I am a trifle constipated, and I have had the need to, er, push a bit harder than usual. As I wiped, I again saw some bright red on the tp. Not as much as yesterday, but still. Now here's my question: when I thought back to yesterday, I realized that the red had occurred after the same, um, circumstance. Is it possible that my pushing can cause some bleeding??

I am trying so hard to stay level by thinking that spotting in normal in some pregnancies. Also, while the spotting has been red the past 2 days, it isn't dark red (like heavy period), nor is it clotty, nor is there ever enough to even get on my underwear. So I'm trying to think of this as a simple reality of my pregnancy, and perhaps that I am meant to deal with this instead of nausea...

I have put in a call to my clinic (I'm waiting to hear back), and I have made an OB appointment. Lucky for me I got to speak to the nice receptionist there. (For a recall of how I have been treated by the narsty receptionist, please see this post and also this one.) Receptionist M's son and daughter-in-law have 2 children conceived with the help of my non-speaking doctor, so she is very well aware of how hard I have worked to get to this point. She was very excited to hear my news, and when I expressed concern over the spotting she gave me an appointment for this Wednesday. Bless her!

I'll keep you updated, but I am really feeling that my posting has become a lot of "same shit, different day", and is perhaps boring. Thanks to you all for sticking with me, and for your support over the last weeks.


Drowned Girl said...

I would guess it's your cervix, irritated, causing the spotting...

Remember the advice to check cervical mucous after a BM?


Thalia said...

Perhaps we should discuss how to alleviate early pregnancy constipation instead, and see what happens?

Prime candidates:
- Lots of water
- Kiwi fruit
- an apple a day...
- add some bran to your cereal

And then you resort to fibrogel or whatever the US equivalent is (not sennokot, which causes muscular contractions)

I know, oh how I know, it's absolutely terrifying, but it's very very normal. nasty, but normal.

Hoping very hard it stops,and that weds comes fast with lots of reassurance.

Kate said...

I hope everything is ok....

Somewhat Ordinary said...

How scarry! I have no clue why you would have this, but it does seem a bit of a coincidence.

I really hope all is well!

Somewhat Ordinary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Somewhat Ordinary said...

Sorry, that delete was me! I'm having issues today-you are the third person that I've commented to and had it double my comment!

Nico said...

I recommend the fiber choice chewable tablets for the constipation. I started taking 2/day, and it made a huge difference!

My money is on the irritated cervix / BM connection.

Don't feel bad at all for posting this stuff! We are here for you whenever you want to post, happy or not.

BigP's Heather said...

Also, blueberries help constipation and they are totally in season now. And of course, prunes.

I hope it stops soon. Even if it isn't going to cause problems it still seems like it would play mind games with me and I couldn't stand that.

Samantha said...

I would also be freaking out in a similar situation. I hope the Wednesday appt. gives you reassuring news.

Anonymous said...

I have a recipe for the most amazing applesauce bran muffins, if you need them let me know. They're delicious and entirely necessary.

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. What a pain.

Alison said...

Nice pun... same shit differnt day. hehe. Fiber One cereal has a hint of sweetness to it so I sprinkle it on yogurt and cottage cheese. You could even sprinkle a little on your regular morning cereal.

Natalie said...

Yikes, I'm so sorry to hear about the spotting. It does sound like the pushing could be the cause of the spotting. I hope it goes away. :( Must be so scary!

Anns said...

It's probably nothing but I tell you, this would drive me nuts.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Oy...I had spotting and bleeding in the first trimester and it was so hard. It's really scary. And all there really is to do is to take it easy. I'm sorry, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

I hope the spotting stops.

Just a thought - is it possible that the bleeding is from the other end?

I would be terrified. Thinking of you.

TeamWinks said...

Will be looking for an update from you!

Shauna said...

You could have a fissure (sp?) from the pushing. It's not just a possibility but very likely!

Here's hoping you figure it out.

mandolyn said...

Oh, I can only imagine that the spotting adds quite a bit to the nerves! I'm so glad that so far it seems to be fine- keep trying to take it easy!

Geohde said...

Oh, I hope that the spotting turns out to be nothing but something for you to freak out about whilst all is well in-utero.

Ann said...

I, too, had a scare over the weekend--some brown spotting and then light cramping. It was the cramping that freaked me out. But many people told me that your body can mimic a period when it would "normally" have one--in other words, at around 8 weeks. So even if the bleeding was vaginal (and there's a good chance it may not have been), it may have been your body was confused about whether it should be having a period. Weird, huh?

Anonymous said...

Ms C, you should feel free to vent away. Thats what blogging is for. Don't let that one ladies comment make you self conscious of what you write. Also, I hope the spotting goes away soon :)

es said...

Wow, this sounds familiar. For the past 5 weeks, I have been terrified to see blood when I wipe. Luckily for the past two weeks... there's been nothing. And I am also slightly constipated, perhaps for the fear that pushing too hard will force some blood out of me. (I don't know if that's a genuine concern or just my neuroticism). I really hope your bleeding stops soon!

T-Mommy said...

Yes, the bright red blood may be the result for the pushing, if you are constipated.
If you can, next time try to wipe in a way you can be sure about where the blood is coming from, (sorry, I know TMI!!!)
Thalia's comment pretty much covers my remedies for constipation.
Hope it helps!

Meg and Darren said...

I had spotting/bleeding in the beginning. It started week 6 and continued until week 8. Then one day nothing. I was convinced it was over, but now I'm at 23 weeks. It can be from pushing too. No one ever told me what the spotting was from tho. Good luck to you and I know it can worrisome!

JewishMama said...

You're right that some people having spotting and all turns out ok. Good luck and keep taking it easy!

Watson said...

God, how freakin' scary, you poor thing. (I still check the TP each and every time, just out of habit, even at 23 weeks.)

And I think someone else commented that it could be from another errr...area, if you catch my drift, from the constipation. I've heard that even hemmoroids can cause it and although that doesn't sound fun at all, it would be a better alternative for sure!

So hang in there, and I'm so glad The C can talk you down.

Sending you good thoughts!!

Nearlydawn said...

Yes, it is totally likely that that is the cause of the spotting. I've had the exact same thing. I freaked out too... Went to the Dr, and been told to get some natural fiber tablets going.

Hope that helps you feel better! :)

decemberbaby said...

I agree with everyone else that there's probably a very sensible and non-dangerous explanation for the spotting.

But oh man, how scary. I wanna be there to hold your hand until your next appointment.

tipsymarie said...

It sure would be nice if anyone who had difficulty getting pregnant was given a free pass to enjoy a stress free pregnancy. How one would acquire such a pass might prove problematic, but nonetheless, it really should be a requirement.

I hope all is well.