Monday, June 18, 2007


I figure it's only right to start off this week of the Comment-a-thon with a post chock full of stuff to give you fodder for comments. I want everyone to reach their goals, cuz let's face it- how cool would that be.

So: let me tell you about my surprises.

It you've been reading for a while you will know that I'm a gal who like, order, organization, plans and strategies. If you didn't know- now you do! (Amazing fact #482 about me!) I like to make lists, I love to obsess about things, and my favorite activity is "imagine the scenario".

This past week held a number of surprises for me. Let's take a peek. (And let's make a list! What a shocker!)

1. I wasn't too astounded at my negative last weekend. But it was a bit surprizing that Af didn't show until 16dpo. I called my clinic hoping for a CD3 appointment, but was pretty sure I would be told to take some BCPs as we had done 2 cycles consecutively. Woot- I was told to come in to see the doctor- yay me! Yes, a bunch of little surprises leading up to this big one: When we walked into the clinic we found out that our doctor had decided not to work anymore! Dr. New was taking over the clinic. (Our clinic only has one RE, a nurse, an embryologist, and the receptionist.) We had met with Dr. New on several occasions (as a matter of fact he is the one who "performed" my last IUI), but we were not under the impression that TWBD would be leaving the practice in a *poof*! I like Dr. New, and this change is not something that we would switch clinics over, but it would have been nice to have been informed, you know?

2. Our next surprise: The amount that Dr. New talks. You know, I had pretty much gotten used to my silent u/s rendez-vous. Dr. New did not just point out the obvious, but elaborated on everything like twenty-fold. As weird as it was to have a doctor that doesn't talk, once I made the adjustment, it's bizarre to have someone tell you everything!

3. And so you're wondering: What is it that Dr. New went on about? In a nutshell: how spectacular my ovaries are. Ha! I know! Pretty funny! It was interesting to have someone actually tell me about my ovaries. Apparently they are textbook. And they respons very nicely. And that thy are CYST FREE, so we are doing another cycle immediately! Now that's a great surprise! I was really thinking that we would have to do another round of BCPs, then cycle again, which would take us to the end of July. But we get to go right away!

4. Our final surprise came when we suggested that perhaps after this IUI (should it fail... I am trying not to even think about this and just stick to strategy at the moment) we should move on to IVF. Previously TWBD had suggested 6 injectible cycles (this current one is our 5th) before moving on. The way I was calculating, should cycle 5 fail we would have to wait out the rest of the summer (due to planned holidays) and then do the 6th in September. Should the 6th fail we were looking at starting our IVF at the end of October (it's amazing how far ahead I try to calculate!!). This timing for IVF completely does not work for us, as it is smack in the middle of The C's busy season. So we would have to postpone until January. BUT- here's the SURPRISE!! Dr. New agreed that we can move forward after this cycle, if need be. (Thus starting our supression in August). I felt a huge relief upon hearing this. Though of course I'm hoping beyond all hope that we won't have to visit that part of the plan, you know what I mean?

Alas... now I am off to get my pretty little ovaries checked-it's CD7 (This cycle's protocol: 5 days 5mg Fem.ara; 60IU Pur.egon starting CD5). When I'm back I'll be off to comment on all your writings! Have a happy day y'all.


Serenity said...

Wow. Well, I suppose it's good that you like Dr. New. But. Um. Wow that they didn't TELL you that Dr. New was taking over!

I am glad, though, that you are feeling pretty good about him and the plan moving forward.

I always find that I am much more comfortable knowing what the next year or so is going to look like in terms of what the plans are.

Glad to hear you're feeling good about your plan!

Cece said...

I'm just like you. I always figure out what is coming next (at least cycle wise) almost 6 months in advance. Sounds like you have a good plan!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

That is great! You sound so positive and hopeful. Maybe seeing Dr. New and him having a different perspective on your situation will make all the difference!

decemberbaby said...

hooray for doctors who talk!

I'm hoping this summer's cycles don't leave you empty-wombed. (hey, I just coined a new phrase!) I'm cheering your pretty ovaries on!

Ms. Perky said...

That's really shocking that they didn't tell you Dr. New was taking over. I wonder what turned out to be the problem with TWBD. It clearly wasn't just laryngitis. Poor guy. Still, it sounds like Dr. New is great!

Happy that you'll be able to move on and that you've got a plan!

Anonymous said...

I am also bewildered that they didn't warn you Dr New was taking over. Perhaps it all happened very suddenly. Hmmm...

But YAY for pretty ovaries!

Nearlydawn said...

Yay for Dr.swho share, and Yay for great ovaries!!! Sounds like a great omen for your future!

Samantha said...

Yeah, knowing about your RE leaving would have been a little nice, eh? I'm glad Dr. New is going to work out for you.

Glad you have beautiful ovaries!

Erin said...

Hooray for cyst-free ovaries! I'm glad that you're able to do another cycle right away, and that you'll be able to move onto IVF right away. Though I really hope it doesn't come to that, of course, but it sounds like Dr. New's very willing to work with you. Infertility is so uncertain--it's nice to be able to plan SOMETHING!

Geohde said...

Just as a small aside. You know you're infertile when everything is in units of CD #. Half the time I have no idea at all what the calendar date is, but I'm damn sure it's CD 8 today.

Watson said...

I am sorry for your BFN, but happy that if this cycle doesn't work, you're cleared to move on to the big guns without having to wait for months and months!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you like DR. New. But I still wanna know why TWDB didn't talk. I wonder if it has something to do with his disappearance?

Mindy said...

Funny to read your post as I've recently had my own experience with docs who talk and those who don't. My RE is a man of few words. He's not the most personable man I've ever met, but as doc I like him well enough. Last week in the middle of my latest IVF he was out of town and I saw his partner for a few checks and he did the Retrieval. This guy was super nice and very talkative and I guess I'm used to my doc, but while I liked it, it also seemed weird! But in another surprise, when I arrived at the office on Sat morning, expecting to see Mr. Gregarious again, the nurse informed me that my doc came back to the office two days early just to do my transfer! Frankly, I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it seemed nice.

I hope you don't need to move on to IVF, but if you do, I'm glad the timing is going to work out better. Before I go, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words -- the comments mean a lot.

Gil said...

Good to hear that you LIKE Dr. New! That's a bonus; but yeah, it would have been nice to know. And it sounds like you have a great plan in place. I'm glad the ovaries show no cysts for you and that you can move forward if this cycle doesn't pan out. Good luck to you. I'm considering moving to the "big guns" myself in MTL. :)

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I am glad that everything is going well and you like the new guy. You sound great! I hope that the scan went well.

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Humm...a list girl?? Sounds familiar! I've been in counseling for well over a year to try to help tone down my obsessive-compulsive tendancies. ;)

Sorry about all of the surprises - although some of them do sound promising. Good luck!!!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Three cheers for gorgeous ovaries :-) Here is your peach bellini.

It is good that you like Dr. New but damn, the surprise. It's good that you have next steps in place too. Just in case. And hopefully you won't need them.

mandolyn said...

Sounds like Dr. New may be a good thing, however sudden the switch was. Oh, and congratulations on your ovaries! Spectacular ovaries should be celebrated!

megan said...

i'm glad to hear that you have hot hot hot ovaries. i don't normally like surprises, but that would be a plesant one to be sure.

Ann said...

Woo-hoo! I'm so glad you don't have to take a break from cycling, and that you can move ahead if need be.

Thanks for your comment on my cyst-free ovaries (well, excluding the normal polycystic parts, of course). It's nice having people out in the blogosphere rooting for you!

TeamWinks said...

There was a lot to comment on in that post, and all of it very exciting news! Congrats to you and your cyst free ovaries!

FattyPants said...

They really should have warned you about a new dr, but yay for good ovaries!

Pamela T. said...

From one list maker to another, I hope that very soon a baby turns all your listmaking upside down! (And I mean that in the nicest way possible!)

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes...lookit all the comments!?!?!?!

WOW! What a lot of surprises for our anally retentive friend....but so many good ones, nu?! Ms. C...I'm happy to hear how terrific your ovaries are (though not surprising as they are housed in YOU!)...and that you can get cycling right awaY!!!! Please G-d you don't need to move on to IVF but, if you do, maybe you'll be preggo by HI HOs....wouldn't that be cool?!?!?!

Rooting for you as ever....hoping to connect with you in the big smoke, barring any cycling timing barriers!!!

peace and love,