Or: You should see the size of this zit on my face.
I don't know why I feel the need to share this with you guys. I have a pimple above my lip to the right that would make a great evil foil to Cindy Crawford's signature mole. Only my puss-filled crusty-topped pocket of disgustingness is situated a little less towards the corner of my mouth, and a triffle more towards the centre. Am I painting a clear enough picture?
I was thinking to post a close-up photo, but decided against it for a variety of reasons. The primary reason is that the batteries in my camera are dead. But even if I was able to get such a delightful shot, I am afraid that posting it (even as a close-up) might compromise my annonymity. Because surely I am the only person on the island of Montreal (yes, Montreal is an island!) that has such an attrocity attached to her face, and if you saw me on the street you would instantly know I was me. Also, I wish not to showcase the other repuslive symptoms of PCOS that display themselves upon my face, namely the wonderous hairs and other pimples in various states of healing. Indeed, my zits like company... I agree that being a lone zit upon a face would be a sad venture. Lastly, actually seeing the zit might cause you to spit up your coffee, or upchuck your lunch, or regurgitate your brekkie all over your keyboard. And I certainly don't want to be responsible for all the damage.
Am I complaining too much? Perhaps so. But I don't think think I have ever used this forum to discuss what PCOS really does to me, other than not let me ovulate. Most days I thank the almighty that I am not one who is overly concerned with my looks. Because if I was I'm certain I would have committed suicide by now. Often I avoid looking at myself too closely in the mirror. I do not want to see all the pimples that cover my face. I do not want to feel ill becasue I have dark hairs sprouting from my chin. I take a grin and bear it attitude and focus on the reason I am subjecting myself to this: so that we can have a baby.
In the grand scheme of IF, the time that we have been trying seems relatively short (18 months). To those who have been trying for 3 years, 4 years, 7 years..., it must seem like I complain alot about how long we have been waiting. For me, not only does every month that goes by signal another month without conception, it indicates another month that I will have to live with the physical manifestations of my PCOS. On days when I can't grin and bear it, when I do look closely in the mirror, when there is a gross pimple that I cannot avoid, when I stop to wonder what my clients are thinking when we are sitting in meetings, I just want to scream FUCK THIS, and go back on the pill and make it all go away. In my 20s I was so sften complimented on my perfect complexion. Now I know that that perfection was horemone-induced, but still some days I want that back.
I know my sympoms are not as bad as they could be. I have read about women who feel they have to shave daily. Perhaps I will look at that as my silver lining: I only ask my husband to tweeze my hairs every week or so. And it's true... I suppose my zits could be worse: they could all be as yucky as the one that instigated my post. And thank goodness I do not feel so down about myself like this everyday, because by god it would be a painful way to live.
I would love to open up my comments today as a place for others to share their symptoms, anger, and ways in which you deal with your PCOS. I would love to hear from you all.
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I feel that way about my PCOS often. I'm not putting up with enough given the whole "barren" thing, but I have to be ugly, too? Not that I was so beautiful in the first place, but I didn't need any extra help in the ugly department.
As for the passage of time... it doesn't matter how long you've been trying. Four months, 18 months, 2 years, 5 years... it's never pleasant. If you want a baby NOW and it's not happening NOW, it's painful. And truthfully... I think it was harder for me at 18 months than it is now at over 4 years. So don't discount your right to be in pain only because you think that it could be worse. It could always be worse, but that doesn't mean that you're not entitled to sniffling about the pain you do have.
PCOS, ugh! I am delurking to commiserate. Other than the all-consuming inability to ovulate, mine mostly manifests itself in hair-related issues. The hair on my head is thinning (not terribly noticeably-yet-but it bothers me), and if I don't stay on top of waxing it I can grow a nice little mustache. PCOS also gave me the gift of dandruff. And long nipple hairs that seemingly spring up overnight. The worst thing about it, when I dwell on it which I try not to do, is that it makes me feel completely unfeminine. I fear one day I will wake up as a bald, mustachioed man. At that point, I guess, it won't matter that I don't ovulate.
Most of the time, though, I don't think about it too much.
Although I'm not an official PCOS diagnosee, I do have the polycystic ovary part. And crazy hormones. When I got off the pill (and seriously, why doesn't anyone warn you beforehand of the serious Hell that simply going off the pill is?) my body fought me with all it's might. The day I realized that my three-weeks-out-of-a-month smooth skin that I'd enjoyed for the better part of 12 years was not exactly mine to claim really sucked. I felt so tricked. I can have pretty, non-greasy, clear skin and regular periods, but only when I take the little magic pill. Except that while I'm on it I can't shake regular migraine headaches without prescriptions. Or have babies. We won't go into the act of actually ovulating.
Sorry about your zit. I hope it decides to pack its bags and head out soon. And I agree with Karen about the comparative pain thing. It isn't comparative and it is always valid.
Nipple hairs. Definitely the most annoying thing... because DH is always commenting on them and giving them names.
Did I mention anywhere that while waxing my mustache I accidentally ripped off a piece of my lip? Yeah, THAT's attractive.
I agree with the rest. Don't compare your pain to others'. That's not the point. If it hurts, it hurts. And boy, does it hurt.
The only PCOS symptom I don't have is the dark skin patches. I have the thinning hair on top of my head and hair sprouting everywhere else I don't want it. I am obese. I have cystic ovaries. I have acne and insulin resistance. I don't ovulate and I do have a few skin tags. It is just completely sucktastic.
Thankfully, I'm like you and not totally into appearances.
I supposedly have a variant of PCOS, and my biggest symptom is also acne. It comes and goes. The thing that really seems to maken a difference is acupuncture.
Other than the pesky reproductive issues (like the fact that I ovulate semi-regularly but somehow can only make a pregnancy every 2 years or so without help)...
... the facial hair makes me nuts. I don't have a lot of it, but each time I wax my 'stache, or pluck that one, stubborn chin-hair, I am reminded that there's something wrong on the inside of me that keeps trying to find its way outside. I can deal with the nipple-hair, the fuzzy belly and the sideburns from hell (gee, I sound attractive, don't I?), but that chin hair most of all.. I cried when I first saw it.
.. and knowing that the only way I will ever lose any weight is to follow a strict low-carb diet. Let's not forget that particular symptom. I can put weight on without trying, but to get it to come off takes all the willpower that I can muster up. And then some.
PCOS is fun.
Are you telling me those rogue nipple hairs that seemingly grow like FOUR inches long overnight are the result of PCOS?!?
I thought all women had that.
Good lord. You just rocked my world, girls.
well I almost spit up my coffee just reading about it. :-)
Don't have PCOS, so can't comisserate with you there. But it's IF all the same, and it sucks. Mine doesn't give me physical symptoms like that residing on your phase right now, but every month without a baby hurts just as much.
The hair. I think that's what I hate most. The infertility crap is right up there (see today's post for my recent "good" news- BLECH- I wanted to scream "fuck you MUST")
Anyhow-- the hair.. I hate that I have hair on my face, and not just peach fuzz.. that my belly has it, that makes me feel so manly- and I HATE it.
Oh-- the time think, we've tried for many, many years-- but whether it's our 6 yrs, or it's your 18 months- it's still not easy at all.
OK - delurking to add to the commiseration about PCOS. I have it with a Thyroid problem - sweet huh?
I have the thinning hair, but no hair on the face yet (just waiting for it), battle my weight all the time (losing the battle mostly), and am insulin resistant on the lighter-side of the chart.
I know that this whole damn thing is painful - there isn't much of my IF journey that has been pleasant. I am hopeful that it will get better - I fight to stay optimistic.
Then again, my post for tonight wasn't too optimistic... So, I will start fighting again tomorrow.
sweetie...i feel for you girl...i don't have pcos so i can't relate but i do feel for you...and of course, i know you're not fishing for compliments, but girl you EXUDE beauty...you are a beautiful and hilarious person and that overshadows any hairs, zits or other pcos sundries...
wish i had a cure for all of you!
My biggest complaint about PCOS has been the easy weight gain that I've fought my whole life and the skin problems. I've NEVER had clear skin, even when I'm on the pill. It can be pretty disheartening. Other than that, (and infertility of course) I cannot complain too much.
I think that my case is pretty mild actually because I don't have lots of the nightmares that some people deal with. Insulin Resistance was our major clue and probably the only reason I "have" PCOS.
It like salt on an already pulsating wound. I'm sorry, C.
Wish I could commiserate with the PCOS--I'm waiting for the day you open up the comments to high-FSH/no-progesterone :-)
Have u tried accumpuncture?
I hate that PCOS gives me trunkal obesity and upper lip hair. But hey, I could deal with that. It's the INFERTILITY that's driving me crazy! That's the only PCOS symptom I would like to treat!
Have you heard of / tried Proactiv? No idea if it will work for you or not, but it has done wonders in clearing up my skin.
It's comforing to know I'm not the only one who curses the PCOS that leaves nasty zits on face! Damn PCOS! I posted today about it too, only your title was much much more appropriate.
Damn it. I was reading an article today about it, and I said to my mom on the phone, "What the hell. Ok, so my face has been resembling a pizza as of late. I sooo need to lose 60 pounds. Damn nipple and toe hairs (yes, yes, no facial hair to truly complain about, but it's not right to have to shave your boobs!) And I'm telling you if I start losing my hair. Game over, Mom. Ovaries are getting the boot." She wasn't so impressed. However, why should I end up barren, broke, and look like butt? Let's not forget skin tags. Ok, now I'm rambling, but the situation truly sucks.
PCOS sucks in so many ways. I despise the IF aspect the most, obviously. But, maybe in the scheme of things once all of IF battles are behind me, I will like not having periods? Maybe that is one positive (hard to think of any others though).
My acne has its good times and bad times. My DH loves to pop my zits (gross, eh?) and saw a nasty volcanic one on my chin Friday evening. He smiled and started coming at my face with his hands in zit popping position. I swiped them away and said NO! I explained that EVERY b-day part at this family's house for the past 4 years I have had a nasty ass zit on my chin that I have been embarrassed about. Here I go with another one, but it is NOT going to be scabbed and crusty this time...I will just deal with the mountainous zit for once.
My chin hair has become terrible and I must shave daily. So unfeminine.
Hi. A friend of mine told me about your blog... I am at about 18 months ttc too. Argh! Pcos is definately not what I had in mind.
I hate the nipple hair the worse. I have not officially been diagnosed with PCOS but rather PCOS tendancies. I have some of the symptoms of PCOS (including the insulin resistance that makes it hard to lose weight, the cyclic acne, and body hair) but do not have cystic ovaries and I mostly ovulate on my own.
But having to tweeze your nipple hair is not comparable to tweezing your eyebrows!!
I can totally relate.
Things that make me crazy:
-Nipple and stomach hairs
-Spending my life at the waxing salon
-Seeing cysts all over my ovaries
-Hating myself when I forget to take all my meds
PCOS has made me more than depressed. After a stillbirth...not being able to get pregnant and having my partner leave me, the chin hairs, dandruff, stomach hair depression don't seem too bad. I've started spironolactone, which makes me tired...very tired...wellbutrin which makes me ancy...and wake up 2 hours before work to pluck my chin and then try and cover it up with makeup...most days, I feel like I am drowning and wonder what the point is. I'm ready to hang up the towel.
I found this post via Creme de la Creme. I, too, have posted about the lovely things that untreated PCOS has done to me. I have largely had the worst of the ill effects (painful rupturing cysts) taken care of by treating it with metformin, but I still get the nasty zit-cysts as well. In return, I get the metformin induced "stomach troubles". Which is worse? WHO KNOWS?
I feel for you, though. I think you said it best- FUCK PCOS!
hay every1:(
fellin really shit 2day
just found out i have PCOS on christmas eve (wot a great christmas present)
2day has 2 b da worst day so far havnt stopped cryin :(dont really no y just hope it isnt goin 2 b dis hard da rest of my life cause i think i will run out of tears if dat is da case!!
havnt started on any meds yet so hopefully when i do i wil feel alot better bein only 22 its hard 2 think i might not b able 2 have children but i no im not alone
readin other blogs has helped alot so thanx 2 every1 and i hope uz al feel better xx
Do i feel thts only with me ? PCo has brought alot of problem in marriage life , my husband never understand why my anger differed alot when he is just around me , i hv tried to kill myself coz of small tingly dingly matters which brought up so much anger in me , hastyly i have made a point to calm myself , but sometimes it brought quick anger .. its mad tht he doesnt understand .. where do i get tht help from !
PCOS can go to hell.
Chin hair? try a whole beard with ingrown hairs. I just started lazer hair removal. Cost an arm and a leg but I think I will be worth it. I sat one day and tried to find a place on my body that doesnt have hair!
Infertility, a big problem. Stopped taking BC had regular period for 6 months felt great. No headaches, stomache pains or fatigue.
Weight gain, I am a pro at that. I lost 15 pounds in 3 months tried real hard. Gained it back in weeks. I try not to look at myself to close in the mirror also. It's hard to deal with for all of us!
I just got done washing my zit covered forehead tonight and then stubbled upon your blog. Thanks for making me laugh with your blog title, and making me feel not so alone with this PCOS bullshit!
Here I sit with a 2 day beard. Granted it took 22 years to get this bad. I've spent $2500 on laser hair removal that didn't work & over 24 hours of excruciating electrolysis. Hasn't helped much. Guess I should just learn to use a straight razor so i don't give all my money to Gillette. I have back hair too. Lucky me. My boyfriend doesn't find me repulsive. But honestly, lately my libido is zero.
I lost 27 pounds on the Fat Flush Diet in 3 months. Best results I've ever had. I totally suggest it. Metformin helps too but has side effects & raises homocysteine in the blood.
I just want to drop out of society.
Insulite worked for me. And cleaning out my liver with Dandelion tinctures (see The Herbalist for a great liver tincture). I hope you all try these natural remedies that reduce insulin resistance before it gets out of hand.
Best of luck. My heart is out there for you all ladies. Love yourself!
Apple Cider Vinegar could help!
I've heard amazing things about daily use of Apple Cider Vinegar.( Taken in water 2-3 times a day, tsps a glass.) some women report after using it that their pcos has cleared up, doctors have said their cysts Have gone away. It's what I have read at least.. I'm giving it a go, because it couldn't hurt. I'm only about 15 lbs overweight, but fight like crazy to keep the weight off: exercise and an immaculate diet. But I still suffer from skin issues, extra body hair in unwanted places, hormonal mood swings, really bad periods...not sure if I ovulate or not. I hope it works!! I see no reason why all women shouldn't have happy, healthy lives with healthy happy cyst free ovaries! I wish the best for all of you. Google Apple Cider Vinegar and pcos, just give it a read. Why not! Much love to you all!!
I hate the battle. I know in comparison that I have it easy compared to some, but I hate the battle anyway. I'm only 26. I found out I had PCOS about 3 years ago when we were trying to conceive our first child . . . we had already been trying for 2 years. As soon as I found out I cried, then I dropped the carbs and the sugar and hit the gym. Luckily I don’t have obesity as a symptom, but the doctor suggested that even though I wasn’t overweight by any means that losing 5-10lbs might help my ovulation. We got pregnant a couple of months later. Now we’re are thinking about number two and fighting the battle all over again. The one good thing about this time around is that I've maintained the healthy diet and the gym rat status . . . all the hard work has actually given me a regular period (granted 40 days from start to start, but at least it's regular). So fingers crossed folks as I get back in the ring for round two . . . hopefully this time it won't take two years to conceive. I found a cure for the irregular periods (who knows if I’m ovulating regularly though) but I wish there was a cure for the other symptoms . . . I hate the acne and the oily skin, the obsession with sweets and I think an increase in facial hair. I don’t want to be on birth control for the rest of my life just so I don’t have to look like a pubescent teenager!
I feel yea. My husband and I have been trying since 2008 and then I found out I had PCOS. I have not even started taking med due to haveing file Bankruptsy for some past debit and I try everything to loss wieght and can not. all my friends are pregnant and I put on face for them as they all sit around like chickens talking about how great it is to be pregnant and I just want to punch them in the face when I have to take that first pregnant pic for them and the heart on the belly made of hands. But no as a good friend I smile and bare it and I hate to when I get home I feel like crap and just want to cry for hours but no I put ona smile because I dont want my husband to know how sad I am and it hurt and its hard to always live with a fack smile even though I have major depression and on top of that I am manic bipolar. so I have so many emotiuons after a day with the girls I just want to die. I hat shaving my face becuae of the hair and the darkness of the back of my neck when I wear shirts that show it I feel like ppl are looking at me like ewwww.. she is dirty and I am a very clean person and when I get called fat or a doctor like the OBG i went to tells me your fat loss wieght and how does your husband have se with you? yea that male me feel so great so yea I feel yea and the zits got to love them makes you feel like you just hit freaking pubirty... Ugh.. Sorry I had to vent it feels nice to know that I am not the only woman in the world going through this.And sad to know that othere people have to endure the same things I do. =(
I saw someone was talking about the libito being zero I feel yea. My husband thinks its him but its not he is a very sexy man no its my I mean if I dont want to see my self naked in a mirror y would he and when he tells me I am sexy I feel discussting. like a blob of hairy zitty Fat laying there O yea Sexy let me tell you >.> ummm NO
Dandruff, acne, mood swings, 70% more likely to be infertile, and develop diseases such as diabetes,cancer, etc. This thing does nothing but make me feel like less of a woman! I'm 19, this is supposed to be the prime of my life and I have to constantly worry about my beard being too long and my pimples popping up on the first date that I have with this amazing guy on Friday!!!! People have no clue what we go through just to look presentable. I mean it's the 21st century, and they're saying there's no cure for something as "minor" and "common" as PCOS. You are so right, EFFF YOU PCOS!!!!
It`s nice and also slightly disheartening to hear other accounts of PCOS. I found out I had it after I became an egg donor for my aunt. The doctors didn`t check closely enough and did`t realize until it was over that I had PCOS and that the hormones they were injecting me with were making it worse. Even after getting on the pill, I still have intense acne to the point of being absurd, as well as the inconvenient hair growth that seems to never stop. I know many of you say that a lot of the symptons got worse after you got off the pill but how many of you have worse effects after getting on the pill? Thought I would ask since mine only seem to have gotten worse after 3 years on the pill.
What treatments have you all tried? Any that seem to work? Birth control gives me migraines everyday. I have tried supplements, but they're so expensive and I'm not sure if they made a difference. I have the hair, acne, and weight gain! My dr told me it was normal that I gained 40 plus lbs in a year. So far I haven't found a dr that knows any solution besides birth control. :(
Omg yes! Fuck you pcos FUCK YOU!!,!!!!!! Every morning I would have to wake up 2 hours earlier to shave my fucking beard, shampoo my fucking scalp with Selsun blue (almost $10 for a fucking tiny bottle) to avoid dandruff, and try to fit into clothes without having a break down and crying because it didn't fit. Not just that! But then if I happen to make it into work, I'd have to deal with insane mood swings that just drove me crazy. Getting pregnant?! Pffffft. I'm 23 and just want a normal fucking life where after work I don't have to worry about a 5 o'clock shadow. I just want to be able to go on a fucking date and not be self conscious of my acne scars. I want to spend a whole day with a date not worrying that he'll touch my chin and feel that sandpaper texture. I just want to be normal. I don't want to have to starve myself to lose one pound. I don't want these cysts on my ovaries. I don't want male type hair thinning. Fuck!! This is soo depressing. I'm just soo tired of it I want to give up. I want to stay in my room. I Just want to be normal. I'm only 23. =;(
I only.found out I have polycystic ovaries last week. I don't know the differences between pco and pcos. I have to have blood tests to test me for diabetes, cholestoral and hormones. I am not overweight, I do suffer spots on my face and back all the time. and sometimes get the big volcanos, like hard boils. and they make my whole face feel bruised andswolen. can't stand itt. and I have to face public everyday for work. I have periods every month but thé pain is horrendous. I have hairy nipples. those long nasty black hairs. growing in the shape a man's does. but no hair on chin or tummy. my moods r terrible. I don't know whether I will convieve or not as I am not trying yet. but I am scared I will end up having troubles. I am 25. my work don't understand the stress I am under. someone please help me to understand this more. what is the difference of pco and pcos? Can they get it wrong at the scan. maybe they looked wrong? :-(
I'm a 24 year old with a very healthy lifestyle. So why have I NEVER had flawless, clear skin, and why do I get long nipple hairs and facial hair that even laser can't get rid of. But I mostly posted to say that I went on a partially raw food diet a year ago.I've had PCOS since I was 18. So tonnes of smoothies (green, fruit etc.) later, my skin has cleared up a whole lot. From never clear, to mostly clear, my skin has improved drastically. And my periods are now regular. I just found a big zit on my forehead though. The fat kind that's under the skin that will turn out to be a volcano in a few days. Hence why I was searching for info about PCOS and my frustration. Seems like nothing beats it permanently. But I do feel more normal after my change in diet. And more in control of my life. Youtube Natasha st. Michael and her 'cure' of PCOS.
Yeah, I hear you. Preach, woman, preach.
It's funny how people are still ignorant about PCOS, despite the fact that it effects 5% up to 20% of populations. Yeah, that's what statistics say, but I feel so fucking alone. I go to the pool in sweats and a t-shirt and feel like a fucking pervert because I glare enviously at other female's hairless, slender and clear bodies. Man, I even sound like a pervert.
I don't feel like a woman. Why the hell did god make me a lady anyways? I have man hair, don't even get my damned period, and can't reproduce for god's sake.
I swear if someone else comes up to me and cries, "Oh, cool! Two periods every year? That must be awesome!"
Bitch, are you trying to get slapped?
Scientists to there - get up on your lazy asses and make a fucking cure. I'm so sick of this shitty syndrome that I have tried to commit suicide four times (almost succeeding the third) and stare at my reflection for three friggin hours a day.
I shall go shave now.
really man, it sucks to have your face look like a burnt roti (indian bread). its worse when your younger sister looks like a million dollars and you both are attending a function togethr!!!
flabby midriff and double chin and face full of zits!!!
i'm a working woman and my morning hours are spent in sqeezing out puss from my face so as to not look repulsive...
I am 31, and my husband is almost 38. We have been TTC for 5years. I was diagnosed with PCOS in February of 2011. We have tried Clomid, Femara, injections and 2 IUI's all with little luck, so i saw online about a spiritual healer name ashra and i just had the mind set that there was not such thing as spiritual healer and pregnancy spell and cleanse , but i was out of options and i tried this online spell caster and requested for this spiritual healing and pregnancy spell and to my greatest surprise within the 2month i became pregnant and the doctor said it is a miracle they could not find anything as pcos or infertility in me, to clear the doubts of others out there who had the mind set of mine that there was no such thing as spiritual healing and pregnancy spell should think again, am a living testimony of the miracle and blessing of ashra spells , there is never any harm in trying , for those going through similar situation as i was can contact ashra on email : ashraspelltemple@gmail.com, i pray baby dust on you all
Charley ,
Fuck sake, I am so sick of this PCOS. I feel like an ugly middle aged man - my hairy fucking face and body, severe fucking acne around my jaw which only adds to the bearded look I already have, male weight distribution (only goes when I'm a size 8!)around the middle paired with a disproportionately small ass, massive fucking shoulders that gain muscle at the drop of a hat; weird tits. Oh and the possibility that I won't be able to conceive when I'm ready. I've reached a point where all my enthusiasm for 'cures' and zest for life has diminished and I just feel tired and past-it. I'm only 23! I feel 73 and am ready to keel over and die.
Hello,i'm Becky Chambers,i want to use this media to thank "Azuba herbal magic" for helping me to get pregnant after 3 years of childlessness,this made me lost all hopes of ever getting pregnant again in life.so when "Azuba herbal magic" was recommend to me at the baby center,i did not hope for any results but was forced my husband to give it a try. so i contact him and he asked me some question after which he send me some of they produces.i must say he really surprised me.now i am 8 months pregnant."I'M SO AMAZED!!!! THIS REALLY WORKED so am spreading my good news on how to the world."Ewan herbal magic" has help me after 3 years of not able to conceive,I'm so grateful and this is exactly what I needed. "Azuba herbal magic" is the real deal! God bless you and your family. Thanks again for everything :)"
You contact him..via email;azubaspelltemple@gmail.com call +2347054656149
Gosh!! Pcos!! I am a 16 year old girl and it is not the easiest to fit in while lookin ugly,courtesy of pcos,it is even more harder with the hormonal mood swings. My biggest concern is my hair; I have lost all my luscious beautiful hair and look so ugly with my hair down and even more ugly with hair in a ponytail. I am even scared to use a straightner or curler-fearing that I might lose the remaining precious few. Wish I could give m9re attention to y hair....but no time with my studies.
Are you in need of help to solve your infertility problem or to get pregnant or do you want to get your lover back? then contact Dr. Ogbidi solution home on this email (dr.ogbidi@yahoo.com) for help now, he is a miracle to the world, this is more than words can say, contact him today and be a part of this wonderful testimony of life. I am Wright Eva from USA, I have been trying for 5years to get pregnant and needed help! i have been going to the doctors but still nothing. The doctor said that me and my husband are fine and I don't know where else to turn. Until one day my friend introduced me to this great spell caster who helped her to get back her lost husband back with love spell and also help her get pregnant, So I decided to contact this spell caster Dr.Ogbidi on his email (dr.ogbidi@yahoo.com) after interaction with him he instructed me on what to do and i did. within the next one month i went for a check up and my doctor confirmed that i am 2weeks pregnant. I was so surprised at first and couldn't believe it, but for real it was so true and i was so happy!! Today i am a proud mother of two kids a boy and a girl and my family is happy again, all thanks goes to Dr. Ogbidi for been there for me, he is really a miracle to the world, so if you also need help to get pregnant or need your lover back you can contact his email address: dr.ogbidi@yahoo.com or through His private number +2348053802626 and also share in this great testimony.
How i got a cure for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
I actually promised myself that i will do this because i never in life thought i would be cured of PCOS because my gynecologist told me there was no cure and because of this i could not take in and get pregnant. I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) for 7 years and this was a big pain to me and my husband due to the downcast we felt for not having a child. I experienced irregular periods or no periods at all sometimes, heavy periods, i gained weight (fat). I seeked a cure from one doctor to the other used androgen, clomiphene, metformin and even traveled to different states to see other doctors to no avail. My husband got to know about Dr. ALeta via a testimony he read on the internet on how a woman got a cure and he contacted her with the contact she left. I got the herbal medication and used it for the speculated 3 months that was all i have a son who is just 8 months old. Do not give up just contact her on (aletedwin@gmail.com) on how to get the herbal medication. Thanks and i wish you get cured soon too.
hello my name is Chimani Sonia i live in Germany, thanks to Dr.Ovia the great spell caster which i contacted for my childless problem after 3 years of bareness in my marriage, Dr.Ovia restore my divorce husband back to me and also make me to become a mother of a baby boy with his powerful herbal spell,i was childless for 3 years in my marriage, because i couldn't deliver a child for my husband he suddenly get change and told me he is know more interested in me and also divorce me for another woman in Germany/Bremen ,then i was looking for a way to reunite with my husband because i love my husband so much, so i came across the internet and i saw different kind of testimony about this great spell caster called Dr, Ovia on how he make people to get a good job, how he restore divorce relationship back,how he make spiritual powerful magic,and i also saw one particular testimony about this woman called Luciano Aston from Canada,testifying how Dr.Ovia help her to deliver a baby girl with his spell casting,so i contacted Dr.Ovia for help and i explain how my husband divorce me for another woman and my childless situation to him, he only told me that my problems will be solve soon once i fallow his instructions, so Dr.Ovia cast a restoration spell on my husband within the next 48 hours time my divorce husband came back home begging me for forgiveness i was so happy because of the good work of the great Ovia, and i continue making love sex with my husband after 1 months of settlement between i and my husband i got pregnant,and today i'm a mother of a baby boy named brandy chimani, now i'm very happy and greatfull to Dr.Ovia for his good work, if you are at there passing through any kind of problem contact Dr.Ovia through this email address; droviaspiritualtemple@gmail.com or Call him +2348135858735 he will solve your problem also.
there is this great spell caster in the states i just met through a friends description, and he have just helped me to get back my husband who left me for 2 years, I am so glad that i met with this spell caster, he is just in the US to help people and i am among those he have helped and i am telling you to also go and get hold of your own solution as he shall soon be living the the States, he said he was in the STATES to help his client. So i met with him and told him about how my husband left me.
I visited his email address, after a friend talked about how she got help from him. After contacting him, then I found out he is currently in the US.
It is even because his spell is so strong that is why someone invited him over, And through this medium he has brought home my husband with this spell powers. I contacted him, not up to 2 days, he told me that after 24 hours my husband would return back to me, and that day I was at work when my husband (Collins Mark toddle) called and said he is in the house,and i was so surprise when i really saw him and he just ask me to forgive him so that was how Dr aluda helped me to get my husband back to me so his email address is aludaspelltemple@gmail.com or call and whatsapp him on +2348063930531 if you still want him to help you solve your problems for you
I am Benson Toddle.
I will so much give thanks to this spell caster called Dr.Oduma whom i read a lot of good reviews on the internet about him before contacting him, It will amaze you that through the help of Dr.Oduma that i was able to get my lover back within 48 hours and i am a living witness to testify to the powers of Dr.Oduma And i will be saving a lot of relationships and also a lot of marriage by dropping the contact details of Dr.Oduma for the sake of those that will be needing the help of Dr.Oduma and they are via odumaspelltemple0@gmail.com or +2348182394798or +2348182394798 Trust me these details are not just details you want to throw away but you keep them in case a you might be in need of them or your friends might be in need of them als
odumaspelltemple0@gmail.com or +2348182394798
I’m Stephenie Brown, i was diagnosed with Hepatitis B 4 years ago, i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again.I have used several antiviral medications include Entacavir,lamivudine but this could not fight the virus off me rather i got side effects of fever,muscle and joint pain.After spending so much money on antiviral drugs but I never get better.I made a research on the internet for herbal medicine. AS I was determined to get my lifestyle back and to be able to do things I am restricted from doing, I saw a lady’s post on how Herbal Dr. JAMES cured her from Hiv virus with his herbal mix medicine. I contacted the same Doctor through his email....drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com....we spoke, i told him all that I have been going through and he told me not to worry that everything will be more better again so he prepared his herbal mix medicine and sent it to me through DHL courier company and told me the usage,after 21 days of completing the herbal medicine,i was totally free from Hepatitis B,I went to see a doctor for a blood test ,After taking a sample of my blood for the test the result came out negative,i just can’t deny that i’m the most happiest woman on earth this very moment ,i’m so happy and thanks to Herbal Doctor JAMES,He also told me he cures diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,schizophrenia,Autism.Bipolar disorder, Shingles,Melasma,Underactive thyroid, Melanoma ,Cancer,Weak Erection,Wart Remover,Hpv,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis b,Liver/Kidney Inflammatory,Epilepsy,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd,Back pain,Nephrotic syndrome,Contact him on his email and get rid of your diseases,he is a good man.....drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com
my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody at baby center told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will conceive once we follow his instructions ,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Priest Babaka, Because his pregnancy spell cast and herbal remedy help us, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka if you are trying to have a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine
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